Monday, September 15, 2008

Of Restaurants and Cleanliness

Been reading a lot lately (articles, websites, parts of miscellaneous books here and there) about body purification. Raw diet, fasting, cleansing, things like that. As I mentioned a few days ago, drinking 15 glasses of water tinged with lemon a day has made a noticeable difference. But I came across a useful tidbit in this book.

How can you tell a if restaurant’s kitchen is clean?

Well, odds are they won’t let you back there to inspect, so you can’t. But here’s what you can do.

Go into the restaurant, and check out three things:

The restrooms.

The menus.

Any glass around the entrance.

Check ’em out. Are they at all dirty? If so, turn on your heels and get out of there immediately. The reasoning? If the owner can’t be bothered enough to clean those things that his customers will easily see every visit, you can be certain he can’t be bothered to clean those things they can’t, like his kitchen.

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